Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall is here! Along with lots of good books!

It's getting cool outside, I'm so happy :-) As long as we don't get too much snow or ice, this is one of my favorites times of the year. And Thanksgiving is right around the corner...

At the purple house of books, we've got plenty of news! TWIG is out again, flying around with the sparrows and the Fairy Queen. If you're a fan of The Mad Scientists' Club, we've combined all four books in one large paperback. You can have all of the stories at your fingertips now, with shipping starting the first week in November. Next up are Mad Scientists' Club coffee mugs in time for the holidays, featuring Henry Mulligan the Vice President and Chief of Research for the Club. More info soon on that one.

Last but not least for new releases is Henry the Castaway. Henry and his dog Laird Angus McAngus are back, taking you with them on an ocean voyage. The rest of the series is in the works for 2011.

We were so happy to read actress Julianne Moore's comment in Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop newsletter about our book Ann Likes Red: "My mother bought me this book in a supermarket when I was six years old and I have never forgotten it. I loved it because it is about self-determinism!"

Your response to The Christmas Cookie Sprinkle Snitcher has been fabulous, thank you so much! Here's a sneak preview of the cover to The Pickle-Chiffon Pie Olympics, the much anticipated sequel to our bestselling Pickle-Chiffon Pie by Roger Bradfield. It's the hilarious tale of a 14th century Olympics (that included Dragon Wrestling, the Giant Climb, and the 100 yard Moat Swim) in which the winner won the hand of the fair princess. We think you'll love the plot twist. Way to go Jolly Roger! After nearly 50 years he has definitely not lost his touch.